• Kyo Maclear

Kyo Maclear

KYO MACLEAR is an award-winning writer whose books for children and adults have been translated into fifteen languages and published in over twenty countries. An official member of the Cloud Appreciation Society, Kyo is fond of quiet nooks and long books. She generally avoids performing, but loves the performers in her life, including and especially the three musicians with whom she shares a house in Toronto, Ontario.

NATHALIE DION is an acclaimed children's book and editorial illustrator. She received a Governor General's Award nomination for her work in Valérie Fontaine's Le grand méchant loup dans ma maison, published in English as The Big Bad Wolf in My House. Nathalie's beloved puffy white dog, along with the breathtaking cloud paintings of the modern era, inspired her to illustrate this book. She lives in Montreal, Quebec.

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Kumo: The Bashful Cloud
Kumo: The Bashful Cloud
Hello, Rain!
Hello, Rain!