• Sarah Dillard

Sarah Dillard

Sarah Dillard was briefly a Brownie and a Junior Scout. She fondly remembers making macaroni necklaces and, less fondly, one horrible camping trip when she had to eat the worst oatmeal ever. On the brighter side, Sarah studied art at Wheaton College and illustration at the Rhode Island School of Design. Some of her previous books include Perfectly Arugula and Extraordinary Warren. She lives in Waitsfield, Vermont, with her husband. Visit Sarah at sarahdillard.com.
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Mouse Scouts (Mouse Scouts #1)
Mouse Scouts (Mouse Scouts #1)
Mouse Scouts Make a Difference (Mouse Scouts #2)
Mouse Scouts Make a Difference (Mouse Scouts #2)
Mouse Scouts Camp Out (Mouse Scouts #3)
Mouse Scouts Camp Out (Mouse Scouts #3)