• Elizabeth Verdick

Elizabeth Verdick

Elizabeth Verdick has written more than thirty books for toddlers to teens. She collaborated with Marc Rosenthal on Small Walt, which Kirkus Reviews called "reminiscent of Virginia Burton's classics" in a starred review; and its sequel, Small Walt and Mo the Tow. She is also the author of Bike & Trike, illustrated by Brian Biggs. She is a graduate of the Hamline University MFA program and lives in Woodbury, Minnesota. Learn more at ElizabethVerdick.com.

Brian Biggs is the author and illustrator of many books for kids, including the Tinyville Town books, the New York Times bestselling Frank Einstein series (written by Jon Scieszka), Everything Goes, and Bike & Trike by Elizabeth Verdick. Brian has worked as an art director, graphic designer, and animator for interactivity and multimedia projects. His illustrations have appeared in magazines, newspapers, advertising, posters, toys, and puzzles. He works in an old garage. Visit him at MrBiggs.com.

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Small Walt Spots Dot (Small Walt)
Small Walt Spots Dot (Small Walt)
Waiting Is Not Forever: La Espera No Dura Para Siempre (Best Behavior Bilingual English/Spanish)
Waiting Is Not Forever: La Espera No Dura Para Siempre (Best Behavior Bilingual English/Spanish)
Worries Are Not Forever: Las Preocupaciones No Duran Para Siempre (Learning To Get Along Bilingual English/Spanish)
Worries Are Not Forever: Las Preocupaciones No Duran Para Siempre (Learning To Get Along Bilingual English/Spanish)
Tails Are Not for Pulling / La Cola de Las Mascotas No Es Para Jalarla (Bilingual English/Spanish)
Tails Are Not for Pulling / La Cola de Las Mascotas No Es Para Jalarla (Bilingual English/Spanish)
Tears Are Not Forever/Las Lágrimas No Son Para Siempre (Bilingual English/Spanish)
Tears Are Not Forever/Las Lágrimas No Son Para Siempre (Bilingual English/Spanish)