• Melanie Ellsworth

Melanie Ellsworth

Melanie Ellsworth writes in an old barn in Maine, surrounded by books clamoring to be read. Her picture books, often inspired by her family and pets, include Battle of the Books, Clarinet and Trumpet, and Hip, Hip...Beret! Before becoming a children's book writer, Melanie worked as an ESOL teacher and a literacy specialist. She has a M.Ed. in Language and Literacy from Harvard's Graduate School of Education.

James Rey Sanchez' love for art came from countless hours of reading comics, playing video games, and 90's Saturday morning cartoons. After graduating from the Academy of Art University, with a BFA in Visual Development and a focus on character and prop designing, Sanchez freelanced in the animation world, most notably at Class Dojo, before jumping into children's books. He received a Sydney Taylor Notable Award for his first children's book IRVING BERLIN.

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Battle of the Books
Battle of the Books
Hip, Hip . . . Beret! (Touch-And-Feel Storybook)
Hip, Hip . . . Beret! (Touch-And-Feel Storybook)