Julie Lariostaught for seven years on the faculty of the Vermont College of Fine Arts in their MFA in writing for children program before turning full-time to her writing. Her work has earned her a Pushcart Prize, a Washington State Artist Trust Fellowship Award, and two inclusions in the annual Best American Poetry series for her poetry for adults. She has published four books of poetry for children. Julie Paschkis is a painter, textile designer, and award-winning illustrator and author of many books for children, including Vivid: Poems and Notes about Color; Pablo Neruda: Poet of the People by Monica Brown, an Américas Award winner and an Orbis Pictus Honor book; Night Garden: Poems from the World of Dreams by Janet S. Wong, a New York Times Best Illustrated Book; Glass Slipper, Gold Sandal: A Worldwide Cinderella by Paul Fleischman; and Yellow Elephant: A Bright Bestiary by Julie Larios, a Boston Globe-Horn Award Honor Book. She lives in Seattle with her husband. Visit her at JuliePaschkis.com.