• Madeleine Finlay

Madeleine Finlay

Having graduated from Edinburgh University with a first-class Undergraduate Master's in Physics, Honours Astrophysics, Madeleine Finlay went on to work as a trainee patent attorney for just over a year. However, she soon decided to pursue a more creative career, and studied for a Master's in Science Communication. During that time she was Editor-in-Chief of I, Science,​ Imperial College London's science magazine and then worked as a science writer at the National Physical Laboratory. She now freelances in science journalism and radio, working with clients such as the BBC and New Scientist, among others.

Jisu Choi is an illustrator based in South Korea. Having started studying art from a young age alongside taekwondo and piano lessons, illustration was the one that stuck and she has pursued it ever since. She loves how drawing is the easiest way to put what you want next to you, and enjoys travelling the world to gather inspiration. She's worked with many clients on a range of products including packaging design and murals. This is her first book.

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Beetles for Breakfast: And Other Weird and Wonderful Ways to Save the Planet
Beetles for Breakfast: And Other Weird and Wonderful Ways to Save the Planet