• Susanna Isern

Susanna Isern

Susanna Isern (La Seu d'Urgell, Spain, 1978) is an award-winning children's books author. She is also a professor of Psychology of learning at the European University of the Atlantic and directs the Cabinet of Psychology at Aula Dédalo in Santander. Since she published her first picture book in 2011, more than 30 children's books have seen the light of day. Most of her works are sold internationally and can be found in more than a dozen languages, and also written in Braille. Among her most popular albums we find What Are You Scared of, Little Mouse? awarded Silver Medal in the USA Moonbeam Children's Books Award 2015 and The Magic Ball of Wool, awarded Silver Medal at the USA Moonbeam Children's Book Awards 2013.

Spanish illustrator Ester García was born in Cáceres in 1984. For as long as she can remember, she has always loved tales and children's books. After graduating in Fine Arts at the University of Salamanca, she moved to Madrid to continue her studies of Design at the New Technologies Professional Centre (CICE). She has also taken part in several illustration courses and workshops. Ester paints mostly with pencil, watercolors, and acrylics. Her works have been awarded in competitions such as the Sharjah Exhibition for Children's Books Illustrations (United Arab Emirates), the Encontro Internacional de Ilustraçao de S. Joao de Madeira (Portugal), the Junceda illustration award in the International category (Spain), or the Cuatrogatos Foundation (Miami) award. She currently resides and works in Asturias drawing animals, forests, and other real or fictional places.

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