• Audrey Bouquet

Audrey Bouquet

Audrey Bouquet is the author of The Little Mice and The Cat and His Emotions. Originally a scientist, she studied biology and nutrition before focusing her studies on sophrology, the study of the consciousness in harmony. Many years later, she fell into the world of children's literature by way of her children and her partner and illustrator, Fabien Öckto Lambert. She also writes books on plant-based cooking and nature.

Fabien Öckto Lambert is a French illustrator and graphic designer. After studying visual communications at L'école Brassart in Tours, being featured in a diverse array of art exhibitions, and working professionally as a graphic designer, he has found his passion as a freelance illustrator. He lives in Nantes, France illustrating children's books, all while keeping a close papa bear watch on his two children, Elliot and Wendy.

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Little Cat Hide-And-Seek Emotions: A Playful Primer to Learn about Your Feelings
Little Cat Hide-And-Seek Emotions: A Playful Primer to Learn about Your Feelings