• Danny Robertshaw

Danny Robertshaw

Danny Robertshaw is a horse trainer and animal lover who began helping dogs way before 2005. But when Hurricane Katrina hit, he and Ron Danta began their rescue in earnest as they saved over six hundred dogs from that national disaster. For their work during Katrina, they were 2008 ASPCA Honorees of the Year. Since then, Danny and Ron have used their personal home for Danny & Ron's Rescue, formed as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) that has saved over thirteen thousand dogs, all placed in loving homes. Danny, Ron, and their rescue were the subjects of the award-winning documentary Life in the Doghouse. They have also been featured on the Today show, CBS Evening News, the Hallmark Channel, and Pickler & Ben, as well as several other TV shows. Their mission is a lifetime promise of love and care to every dog they take in. Visit them @DannyRonsRescue and DannyRonsRescue.org, and learn more at LifeintheDoghouseMovie.com.

Ron Danta is a horse trainer and animal lover who began helping dogs way before 2005. But when Hurricane Katrina hit, he and Danny Robertshaw began their rescue began in earnest as they saved over six hundred dogs from that national disaster. For their work during Katrina, they were 2008 ASPCA Honorees of the Year. Since then, Danny and Ron have used their personal home for Danny & Ron's Rescue, formed as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) that has saved over thirteen thousand dogs, all placed in loving homes. Danny, Ron, and their rescue were the subjects of the award-winning documentary Life in the Doghouse. They have also been featured on the Today show, CBS Evening News, the Hallmark Channel, and Pickler & Ben, as well as several other TV shows. Their mission is a lifetime promise of love and care to every dog they take in. Visit them @DannyRonsRescue and DannyRonsRescue.org, and learn more at LifeintheDoghouseMovie.com.

Laura Catrinella is an illustrator and character designer based in Vancouver who loves to play with shapes and colors.

Crystal Velasquez is the author of the Hunters of Chaos series; the Your Life, but... series: Your Life, but Better; Your Life, but Cooler; and Your Life, but Sweeter; and four books in the Maya & Miguel series, based on the television show--My Twin Brother/My Twin Sister; Neighborhood Friends; The Valentine Machine; and Paint the Town. She holds a BA in creative writing from Penn State University and is a graduate of NYU's Summer Publishing Institute. Currently an editor at Working Partners Ltd. and a freelance proofreader, she lives in Flushing, Queens, in New York City. Visit her website at CrystalVelasquez.com, her blog at YourLifebutBetter.Blogspot.com, or find her on Facebook at Facebook.com/CrystalVelasquezAuthor.

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Finn and the Feline Frenemy (Life in the Doghouse)
Finn and the Feline Frenemy (Life in the Doghouse)
Elmer and the Talent Show (Life in the Doghouse #1)
Elmer and the Talent Show (Life in the Doghouse #1)
Moose and the Smelly Sneakers (Life in the Doghouse #2)
Moose and the Smelly Sneakers (Life in the Doghouse #2)
Millie, Daisy, and the Scary Storm (Life in the Doghouse #3)
Millie, Daisy, and the Scary Storm (Life in the Doghouse #3)