• Danielle Greendeer

Danielle Greendeer

  • Danielle Greendeer is a citizen of the Mashpee Wampanoag Nation and works in the areas of tribal governance, cultural perpetuation, and food sovereignty. She lives in Mashpee.
  • Anthony Perry is a Chickasaw citizen and author of Chula the Fox, an award-winning middle-grade historical-fiction book. He lives in London.
  • Alexis Bunten, Yu'pik and Unangan, authored the award-winning nonfiction book, So How Long Have You Been Native? Life as an Alaska Native Tour Guide. She lives in Monterey.
  • Garry Meeches Sr. (Anishinaabe) was born on the Long Plains reserve in southern Manitoba, Canada. His style is reminiscent of the plains style of art and evokes the Eastern Woodlands tradition. He lives in Connecticut, and this is his first picture book.

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