• Diane Lang

Diane Lang

Diane Lang lives in northern California, where she volunteers at wildlife centers in Walnut Creek and Hayward, and occasionally travels to one in Pasadena, talking with children and adults about our natural world. She especially likes to share the fascinating and wonderful aspects of some of our most overlooked wild neighbors--turkey vultures, snakes, spiders, and more. See some her nature favorites and a few of her poems at DianeLang.net.

Stephanie Laberis is a freelance illustrator and character designer for animation. Originally from New England, she now lives in Northern California with her wonderful partner, a couple of felines, and a handful of rodents. Her love for art is rivaled only by her love for animals, and she spends her spare time as a volunteer wildlife rehabber. She loves painting, needle felting, and losing herself in a good video game.

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Fur, Feather, Fin--All of Us Are Kin
Fur, Feather, Fin--All of Us Are Kin