• Carlee Jackson

Carlee Jackson

Carlee Jackson is a marine biologist, environmental educator, and science communicator currently based in Florida. She co-founded Minorities in Shark Sciences (MISS), which aims to make the field of shark science more accessible to women of color.

Chaaya Prabhat
is a graphic designer, illustrator, and lettering artist. After completing her M.A in Graphic Design from Savannah College of Art and Design, she now works in Chennai, India. She has worked with clients including Penguin, Hachette, Snapchat, Google, and The Obama Foundation.

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Green Sea Turtle: A First Field Guide to the Ocean Reptile from the Tropics (Young Zoologist)
Green Sea Turtle: A First Field Guide to the Ocean Reptile from the Tropics (Young Zoologist)
Sharks (Day In the Life)
Sharks (Day In the Life)