• Jordan Kopy

Jordan Kopy

Jordan Kopy es una neoyorquina que actualmente vive con su marido en Londres. Por el día trabaja en el mundo de las finanzas y por las noches con fantasmas y brujas.

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Theodora Hendrix and the Monstrous League of Monsters (Theodora Hendrix #1)
Theodora Hendrix and the Monstrous League of Monsters (Theodora Hendrix #1)
Theodora Hendrix and the Curious Case of the Cursed Beetle (Theodora Hendrix #2)
Theodora Hendrix and the Curious Case of the Cursed Beetle (Theodora Hendrix #2)
Theodora Hendrix and the Snare of the Shadowmongers (Theodora Hendrix #3)
Theodora Hendrix and the Snare of the Shadowmongers (Theodora Hendrix #3)
The Theodora Hendrix Collected Set (Theodora Hendrix Set #1-#3)
The Theodora Hendrix Collected Set (Theodora Hendrix Set #1-#3)
Theodora Hendrix Y El Curioso Caso del Escarabajo Maldito (Theodora Hendrix Spanish Edition)
Theodora Hendrix Y El Curioso Caso del Escarabajo Maldito (Theodora Hendrix Spanish Edition)
Theodora Hendrix Y La Monstruosa Liga de Los Monstrous (Theodora Hendrix Spanish Edition)
Theodora Hendrix Y La Monstruosa Liga de Los Monstrous (Theodora Hendrix Spanish Edition)