• Kelly Rowland

Kelly Rowland

Kelly Rowland is a four-time Grammy Award-winning singer, songwriter, actress, and executive producer with over 40 million records sold. She's known worldwide as a founding member of Destiny's Child, one of the bestselling female groups of all time. Kelly is also the coauthor of Whoa, Baby!: A Guide for New Moms Who Feel Overwhelmed and Freaked Out (and Wonder What the #*$& Just Happened). She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two children. Please visit kellyrowland.com.

Jessica MCKay is an educator living in Los Angeles with her husband and three children. While juggling work, family, and self, Jessica has always saved time to read. As an English teacher, she shares her passion for literature with her students. As a mother, she shares her love of books with her children. And now, as an author, she is sharing her first book with the world.

Fanny Liem is an artist based in Jakarta, Indonesia. She has always loved to draw and to read comic books and children's books. She studied digital art on her own and is grateful to do a job that she loves as an illustrator. Please visit fannywen.com.

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Always with You, Always with Me
Always with You, Always with Me