duopress labs is the creative team, led by Mauricio Velázquez de León, responsible for writing and developing dozens of books and games. Recent titles include The Belly Sticker Book; the SmartFlash(TM) and TummyTime(R)series; 100 Pablo Picassos; My Fridge; and My First Lift-the-Flap Animal Book. Mauricio has written for Lonely Planet, Chouette, PowerKids Press, and the magazines Gourmet and Saveur. He resides wherever he can find a good Wi-Fi connection and strong coffee, mostly in the eastern United States. Åsa's dad was a mapmaker who'd spend summers outdoors detailing aerial photos, while she would pass time in the car, drawing creatures and folks entangled in perplexing drama. That is why Åsa is still pretty good at drawing in a moving car. Åsa is the author of The Perfect Shelter(starred review from Kirkus).