• Amy E Herman

Amy E Herman

Amy E. Herman is the New York Times bestselling author of Visual Intelligence, the written companion of the program Herman has used for eighteen years to provide leadership training to the FBI, Navy SEALs, NATO, the Peace Corps, Georgetown University Hospital, and executives at Microsoft and Google. The method has helped companies save millions of dollars, solve crimes, and even save lives, and the book has been translated into nine different languages, teaching readers how to sharpen their observation, perception, and communication skills using art. Herman, a self-proclaimed "recovering lawyer," was also the Director of Educational Development at Thirteen/WNET and the Head of Education at The Frick Collection for over ten years. To learn more about Amy Herman, you can visit her website ArtfulPerception.com.

Heather Maclean is a Princeton graduate and the New York Times bestselling author and editor of fifteen books. Named one of the "16 Best Entrepreneurs in America" by Sir Richard Branson, she accompanied the adventurous business legend on a 50,000-mile trip around the world, alternately helping improve the lives of others (designing sustainable development initiatives in South Africa) and fearing for her own life (rappelling out of a Black Hawk helicopter in a Moroccan sandstorm). Heather began her career at Disney, where she had the distinction of being the first person ever to answer Mickey Mouse's email. When not castle hunting in her husband's native Scotland, she and her clan of three kids happily reside in Michigan.

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Smart: Use Your Eyes to Boost Your Brain (Adapted from the New York Times Bestseller Visual Intelligence)
Smart: Use Your Eyes to Boost Your Brain (Adapted from the New York Times Bestseller Visual Intelligence)