• Mónica Montañés

Mónica Montañés

Mónica Montañés is a Venezuelan journalist, playwright, screenwriter, and author. This book is inspired by her family's stories of growing up during the Spanish Civil War, living under Franco's dictatorship, and fleeing to Venezuela. As an adult, Mónica made her ancestors' journey in reverse, moving from Caracas to Madrid. Different is Mónica's first book published in English. Follow her on Instagram @monicamontanesc.

Eva Sánchez Gómez is an award-winning artist and illustrator whose other books include The Magician's Visit (Green Bean). She studied fine arts at the University of Barcelona, then earned an MA in illustration at the University of Valencia. To create the illustrations for this book, Eva drew from period photos and her family's stories about the era. She lives in Spain. Visit her website at evasanchez.cat or follow her on Instagram @eva_illustration.

Lawrence Schimel is an author, anthologist, and translator of many books in both Spanish and English, including Early One Morning (Orca), Niños, and One Million Oysters on Top of the Mountain (both Eerdmans). His works have received many awards, including the SCBWI Crystal Kite Award, a PEN Translates Award, and the GLIL Translated YA Book Prize Honor. Lawrence lives in Madrid, Spain. Follow him on Twitter @lawrenceschimel.

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Different: A Story of the Spanish Civil War
Different: A Story of the Spanish Civil War