• Khodi Dill

Khodi Dill

KHODI DILL is a husband, father, writer, anti-racist educator, public speaker, and spoken word artist. His writing for adults and children explores life, politics, and identity through a critical social justice lens. With a background in hip hop and spoken word poetry, it's not surprising that his picture book, Welcome to the Cypher (Annick Press; October 2021), illustrated by Awuradwoa Afful, is an introduction to rapping for young kids. Little Black Lives Matter is his deubt board book. Dill lives with his family in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

CHELSEA CHARLES is an illustrator who resides in Brampton, Ontario, Canada. She creates her illustrations through a combination of digital and traditional mediums. In her spare time, she enjoys listening to music, being a nuisance to her cat Charcoal, and daydreams of traveling to Japan.

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Little Black Lives Matter
Little Black Lives Matter