• Chaunté Lowe

Chaunté Lowe

Chaunté Lowe is one of only two women in American history to compete on four U.S. Olympic teams, while also holding the title of "Mother of Three." Lowe has assured herself a place in history as one of, if not the most celebrated female high jumper the U.S.A. has ever seen, by breaking both the indoor and outdoor American Records and winning twelve U.S. National Championships. As a World Champion, and World Medalist, Chaunté has represented our country well. These accomplishments, integrity, philanthropy, and perseverance have earned her the honor of being inducted into four separate halls of fame. A dynamic public speaker, Chaunté artfully draws in her audience with attention-grabbing stories that both teach and inspire. Her enthusiasm for engaging her audience is infectious and leaves her listeners hanging on her every word. She is funny, relatable, and authentic. Some of her clients include: Nike, T.D. Ameritrade, Hilton, Charles Schwab, Indeed, Cox, Morgan Stanley, Wyndham, Devry, and more. Her many features include The Today Show, CNN, Sports Illustrated, New York Times, the Huffington Post; ESPN, Vogue, Glamour, OWN, N.B.C., and NPR.

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