• Laura Nsafou

Laura Nsafou

Laura Nsafou, also known as Mrs Roots, is an Afrofeminist blogger and author. She reviews books from Afro literature and writes articles about Afrofeminism in France. Her different projects challenge antiblackness and seek for a fair representation of Black women in French culture. Founder of the Afrolab workshop, Nsafou is also the author of the picture book Comme un million de papillons noirs (Like a Million Black Butterflies, published at Editions Cambourakis), which has reprinted 11 times, as well as À mains nues (With Bare Hands, Editions Synapse), Le chemin de Jada (Jada's Journey, Cambourakis), Fadya et le chant de la rivière (Fadya and the Song of the River, Lunii), La demeure du ciel (Heaven's Abode, Cambourakis), and Nos jours brûlés (Our Burned Days, Albin Michel Jeunesse).

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Fadya and the Song of the River
Fadya and the Song of the River