• Tiffany Golden

Tiffany Golden

Tiffany Golden is a writer, educator, and book designer. When teaching kids about writing, she is amazed by the inventive ways they generate ideas, and she tries to incorporate their magic, innocence, and honesty into her own writing. Her nephew, Jaiceon, is so imaginative and vibrant that he inspired this joyful story. Tiffany lives in Oakland, California. This is her debut picture book.

Sawyer Cloud is a freelance artist and the illustrator of several books for children. This story reminds Sawyer of her inner child, and she remains a big dreamer who wants to reach the stars and change the world. She loves stories like Jaiceon's because they allow her to imagine wild, fantastic places. She lives in Madagascar with her family.

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I Want to Be Big!
I Want to Be Big!