• Matt McMann

Matt McMann

As a professional musician, Matt McMann played an NFL stadium, a cruise ship, and the International Twins Convention. Now he writes the kind of spooky mystery adventure books he loved as a kid. He's hiked the Pacific Northwest, cruised Loch Ness, and chased a ghost on a mountain. While he missed Bigfoot and Nessie, he caught the ghost. He enjoys brainstorming new books with his wife, New York Times bestselling author Lisa McMann, viewing his son Kilian McMann's artwork, and watching his daughter, actor Kennedy McMann, on television. Visit him online at mattmcmann.com, and follow him on Twitter and Instagram @matt_mcmann.
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Escape from Grimstone Manor (Monsterious #1)
Escape from Grimstone Manor (Monsterious #1)
The Snatcher of Raven Hollow (Monsterious #2)
The Snatcher of Raven Hollow (Monsterious #2)
Terror in Shadow Canyon (Monsterious #3)
Terror in Shadow Canyon (Monsterious #3)
The Beast of Skull Rock (Monsterious #4)
The Beast of Skull Rock (Monsterious #4)