• Rebecca June

Rebecca June

Rebecca June is a translator, storyteller and writer. From a young age, she participated in marches and community protests. She studied Peace Culture at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain and lives in a forest on the outskirts of the city with her husband and two daughters.

Ximo Abadia is an author and illustrator of children's books, graphic novels, and comics. He has illustrated numerous books and other publications. His work was selected for display at the Bologna Children's Illustrators' Exhibition in 2017. His graphic novel Frank, about the life of the Spanish dictator Franco, was awarded Best Illustrated Album at the Heroes Comic Con in Madrid in 2018. He was a finalist in the Golden Pinwheel Young Illustrator Competition in 2019. He lives in Benidorm, Spain.

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People Power: Peaceful Protests That Changed the World
People Power: Peaceful Protests That Changed the World