• Randy Roberts

Randy Roberts

Randy Roberts is distinguished professor of history at Purdue University. An award-winning author, he focuses on the intersection of popular and political culture, and has written or co-written biographies of such iconic athletes and celebrities as Jack Johnson, Jack Dempsey, Joe Louis, Bear Bryant, Oscar Robertson, John Wayne, and Muhammad Ali, as well as books on the Vietnam War, the Alamo, the 1973-1974 college basketball season, and West Point football during World War II. A Season in the Sun is the second book he has written with Johnny Smith. Roberts lives in Lafayette, Indiana.

Johnny Smith is the Julius C. "Bud" Shaw Professor in Sports, Society, and Technology and an Assistant Professor of History at Georgia Tech. He is the co-author of Blood Brothers: The Fatal Friendship Between Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X (with Randy Roberts) and the author of The Sons of Westwood: John Wooden, UCLA, and the Dynasty That Changed College Basketball. Smith lives in Atlanta, Georgia.

Margeaux Weston is an author and editor. She has written two books in the middle grade nonfiction series A Day That Changed America; they are The March on Washington and Brown V. Board of Education. She is also the author of 20th Century African American History for Kids, and currently the nonfiction editor at the Hugo-nominated FIYAH Lit magazine. Margeaux lives in Louisiana with her family. She invites you to visit her online at margeauxweston.com/

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Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X: The Fatal Friendship (Young Readers Adaptation of Blood Brothers)
Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X: The Fatal Friendship (Young Readers Adaptation of Blood Brothers)