Patricia Marx is a longtime New Yorker staff writer and a former writer for SNL and Rugrats. Her novels, Him Her Him Again the End of Him, and Starting from Happy were Thurber Prize finalists. She's the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship. Her first children's book, Now Everybody Really Hates Me (illustrated by Roz Chast), was the first and only winner of the Friedrich Medal, an award made up by Patricia and named after her air conditioner. She has never slept in her life.
Roz Chast's work has appeared in numerous magazines through the years, but she is most closely associated with the New Yorker. In addition to collections of her New Yorker cartoons, Chast has written and illustrated a wide range of books. Her first memoir, Can't We Talk About Something More Pleasant? won a National Book Critics Circle Award and was a National Book Award finalist. She has two pet birds, who would prefer she never slept.