• Joan Marr

Joan Marr

Joan Marr spends her days editing words for grown-ups and her nights writing stories for kids. She has a degree in English from the University of Notre Dame, where she learned how to properly punctuate dragon dialogue. She currently lives in West Bradford, Pennsylvania, with her husband, two kids, two cats, and one very energetic dog. This is her debut picture book. Learn more at JoanMarrBooks.com and on Twitter @joanmarrbooks.

Lala Watkins is the illustrator of I Love You More Than Ice-Cream by Becky Davies and Bus Stop by Angela H. Dale. With a degree from Ringling College of Art and Design, Lala has also worked as a product designer, product developer, illustrator, and graphic designer at Sanrio, Paper Culture, and Cartoon Network. She invites you to visit her at acaseoflala.com.

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Izmelda, the Fairest Dragon of Them All!
Izmelda, the Fairest Dragon of Them All!