• Heather Alexander

Heather Alexander

Heather Alexander has written numerous books for children, including the nonfiction A Child's Introduction to Art and A Child's Introduction to Greek Mythology, and the fiction series The Amazing Stardust Friends. She is a former children's book editor and lives in New Jersey.
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Who Is Hillary Clinton? (Who Was?)
Who Is Hillary Clinton? (Who Was?)
A Child's Introduction to Natural History (Child's Introduction)
A Child's Introduction to Natural History (Child's Introduction)
A Child's Introduction to Greek Mythology: The Stories of the Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, Monsters, and Other Mythical Creatures (Child's Introduction)
A Child's Introduction to Greek Mythology: The Stories of the Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, Monsters, and Other Mythical Creatures (Child's Introduction)
A Child's Introduction to the World: Geography, Cultures, and People--From the Grand Canyon to the Great Wall of China (Child's Introduction)
A Child's Introduction to the World: Geography, Cultures, and People--From the Grand Canyon to the Great Wall of China (Child's Introduction)
Be a Star! (The Amazing Stardust Friends #2)
Be a Star! (The Amazing Stardust Friends #2)