• René Spencer

René Spencer

As a kid, René Spencer developed a love for nature, art, travel, and foreign languages. She grew up speaking English at home and learned French in school before living and studying in Paris, France. When she is not busy working on picture books, you may find her watching movies from distant lands, reading, hiking, or taking care of bees.

Rodolfo Montalvo is an illustrator/writer who grew up in Southern California speaking mostly Spanish at home and English at school. Today, whether on land, at sea, or in the air, Rodolfo is always working on a story, a drawing, a painting, or some kind of art project. He is the illustrator of the popular picture book Dear Dragon, written by Josh Funk.

Though René and Rodolfo came from different backgrounds and from different parts of the country, the two found each other in an art class. They live in the Los Angeles area on a small patch of land, near the sea, and are always speaking in some combination of English, French, and Spanish. Bye Land, Bye Sea is their first picture book together.

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Bye Land, Bye Sea (Bilingual Spanish/English)
Bye Land, Bye Sea (Bilingual Spanish/English)