Lindz Amer creates LGBTQ+ and social justice media for kids and families. They wrote, produced, and cohosted Queer Kid Stuff--an original LGBTQ+ educational web series for ages three and up--which The Huffington Post called a "groundbreaking YouTube educational resource." They host the Rainbow Parenting podcast and wrote Rainbow Parenting, a queer and gender-affirming parenting guidebook for grown-ups, and the picture book Hooray for She, He, Ze, and They!. They also write and consult for preschool television. You can find them online at Kip Alizadeh is an illustrator and visual artist. Recent picture books they've illustrated include Yamile Saied Méndez's What Will You Be?/¿Qué Serás?, Fran Manushkin's Plenty of Hugs, and Lindz Amer's Hooray for She, He, Ze, and They!. When they aren't creating, they like to DJ, spend time with their cats, and play sports. Kip is nonbinary, queer, Iranian, and English, and lives in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Visit them at