Naomi Drew is recognized around the world as an expert on conflict resolution, peacemaking, and parenting. Her work has been instrumental in introducing the skills of peacemaking to public education and has been recognized by educational leaders throughout the country. United Nations staffer Michiko Kuroda has praised her work saying, "Naomi Drew has adapted the techniques of negotiation to the needs of children." People of all ages have attested to durable changes in their relationships after applying the principles outlined in her books and workshops. Her work has been featured in magazines and newspapers, and on radio and national TV, including, NBC, The New York Times, Time Magazine, Parents Magazine, and Child Magazine. She has served as a parenting expert for "Classroom Close-ups," an Emmy-winning public television show. Naomi is a dynamic speaker who has inspired audiences around the country. She serves as a consultant to school districts, parent groups, and civic organizations and is a registered provider with the NJ State Department of Eduaction Character Education Network.