Kathy M. Miller, teacher, cellist, and award-winning nature photographer, is the author of the multi-award-winning photo-essay children's book, Chippy Chipmunk Parties in the Garden (2009, Celtic Sunrise). Beyond her book, her photographic credits include appearances in various newspapers and magazines, multiple brochure covers, the Hawk Mountain News, and the 2009 Schuylkill County Visitors Guide. One of her photos graced the cover of the Yuengling Brewery Cookbook, while ten were published in the book Rescuing Wildlife (2009, Stackpole). Her engaging and interactive multimedia nature program about backyard nature has been a popular presentation in many libraries and schools across North America. It includes tips on photography as well as a hands-on burrow-building simulation. She is a regular speaker at various reading and Library Association conferences. Born and raised in Ottawa, Canada.