JUDY SIERRA has written over thirty-five books for children, many of which have won awards, received glowing reviews, and made bestseller lists. Before she became a full-time writer, Judy worked as a children's librarian, a puppeteer, and a college professor. She grew up in Falls Church, Virginia, and now lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband, Bob Kaminski, and their dog, Keiko. Visit her on the Web at judysierra.net. KEVIN HAWKES is the illustrator of over forty acclaimed picture books and chapter books, including Chicken Cheeks, Library Lion, The Librarian Who Measured the Earth, Weslandia, and Sidewalk Circus. His vibrant colors, unusual perspectives, and dry sense of humor are hallmarks of his work. He lives with his charming wife and children in southern Maine, where he can often be found wandering aimlessly in his garden. When forced indoors, he works quite happily painting cobalt-blue skies, imaginary landscapes, and flying pianos. Visit him on the Web at kevinhawkes.com.