• Mélanie Watt

Mélanie Watt

M?lanie Watt ?crit en fran?ais et en anglais, en plus d'illustrer ses propres livres. La jeune artiste a d?j? publi? plus de 10 albums aux ?ditions Scholastic, dont ceux mettant en vedette Frisson l'?cureuil et Chester. L'auteure-illustratrice a remport? plusieurs r?compenses, notamment le prix Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon, le prix Ruth and Sylvia Schwartz et le prix Libris. De plus, Frisson l'?cureuil se pr?pare pour No?l lui a valu la 1re position au palmar's Communication- Jeunesse des livres pr?f?r's des jeunes en 2013-2014 dans la cat?gorie Livromagie (5-8 ans). M?lanie habite pr's de Montr?al, au Qu?bec.

M?lanie Watt is a talented author-illustrator who has won several prestigious awards for her work, including the Ruth and Sylvia Schwartz Award, the Amelia Frances Howard Gibbon Award and the Libris Award. She has published over 10 books with ?ditions Scholastic featuring such beloved characters as Frisson l'?cureuil and Chester. Most recently, her book Frisson l'?cureuil se pr?pare pour No?l was awarded first position at the Palmar's Communication-Jeunesse in the 5 to 8 years category. M?lanie lives near Montreal where she writes her books both in French and English.

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