• George Ella Lyon

George Ella Lyon

J. Patrick Lewis is the 2011 winner of the NCTE Award for Excellence in Poetry for Children and is BMP's third Children's Poet Laureate. He has written more than sixty books for children and adults, including Face Bug (which is on the Texas Library Association's Bluebonnet Award master list); If You Were a Chocolate Mustache; Spot the Plot: A Riddle Book of Book Riddles; and Please Bury Me in the Library. He lives in Westerville, Ohio. jpatricklewis.com.

George Ella Lyon is the author of 45 books, ranging from poetry for children such as All the Water in the World (an ALA Notable book) to picture books such as The Pirate of Kindergarten to young adult novels such as her recent Holding On to Zoe to fiction and poetry for adults. In fall 2014, she has one picture book scheduled: What the Forest Knows (illustrated by August Hall, Atheneum). She lives in Lexington, Kentucky. georgeellalyon.com.

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