• Jeffrey Bone

Jeffrey Bone

Jeffrey Bone, PsyD, and Lisa Bone, PhD, are psychologists in private practice in Orange County, California. Jeffrey graduated from Kenyon College and the California School of Professional Psychology. Lisa graduated from the University of Alabama and the California School of Professional Psychology. They are parents to two girls, who have inspired them to create poetry and whimsical stories for their nightly entertainment. Their children are cute, but ferocious, and the authors do not dare to hold back silly words or ideas that make them laugh.

Valeria Docampo's inspiration for her art is rooted in everyday life: the eyes of a dog, the shape of a tree, the sound of rainfall, and the aromas of breakfast. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, she studied graphic design and visual communication at the University of Buenos Aires. She has illustrated several books for children, notably Pequenos y Gigantes, Celebra Kwanzaa con Botitas y sus gatitos, La soupe à la tortue, and Phileas's Fortune.

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