• Kim T Griswell

Kim T Griswell

Kim T. Griswell spends her days developing and editing children's books. Kim spent six years as coordinating editor of Highlights for Children and three more years as a Senior Editor for Highlights' trade book publisher, Boyds Mills Press. Kim has taught writing workshops all over the country, including for the Highlights Foundation. She has published hundreds of short stories, articles, and columns in magazines and books. Kim is the author of two previous picture books about our intrepid pink hero: Rufus Goes to School and Rufus Goes to Sea (both published by Sterling and both Oregon Book Awards finalists). She lives in Ashland, OR and is available for interview. Visit Kim at kimgriswell.com, and on twitter at @kimgriswell.

Valeri Gorbachev emigrated from his native Ukraine to the US in 1991, and now lives in Brooklyn, NY. He has written and/or illustrated more than 50 children's books, including the first two Rufus stories, Rufus Goes to School and Rufus Goes to Sea (Sterling), as well as Turtle's Penguin Day and The Giant Hug by Sandra Horning (both Knopf).

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Rufus Goes to School
Rufus Goes to School