• Megan Maynor

Megan Maynor

The sandcastles that Megan Maynor built were mostly on lakeshores, because she is a Minnesota girl herself. These days, she mostly builds stories to share with children. Megan is also the author of Ella and Penguin Stick Together and Ella and Penguin, A Perfect Match. She lives outside Minneapolis with one husband, three kids, and one rabbit. Learn more about Megan and her work at MeganMaynor.com or on Twitter at @Megan_Maynor.

Kate Berube (Bear uh bee) has spent many hours building sandcastles and searching for mermaids on the beaches of Cape Cod and the Oregon coast. Kate is also the illustrator of My Little Half-Moon and The Summer Nick Taught His Cats to Read and the author and illustrator of Hannah and Sugar, which won the 2017 Literary Arts Oregon Book Award. She lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband and their one-eyed wonder dog, Sugar. Learn more about Kate and her work at KateBerube.com and on Twitter at @BerubeKate.

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