MICKI FINE PAVLICEK is a longtime psychotherapist in private practice, a certified teacher of mindfulness meditation trained at the Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts, a TEDx presenter, the founder of Mindful Living (livingmindfully.org), and the author of The Need to Please: Mindfulness Skills to Gain Freedom from People Pleasing and Approval Seeking. She has taught mindfulness-based stress reduction and loving-kindness meditation since 1994 in a variety of settings, including her private practice, research environments, Rice University, the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, and the Jung Center. ABOUT THE ILLUSTRATOR JOHN PAVLICEK has worked as an illustrator, graphic designer, and artist since 1972. His paintings have been represented by Gremillion & Co., Fine Art in Houston, Texas, since 1983. Illustrating this book has deepened his respect and admiration for the masterful, professional illustrators and cartoonists past and present.