• Beatrice Boggs Allen

Beatrice Boggs Allen

Beatrice Boggs Allen is co-author, with her mom, Belle, of Frog Trouble Times, a Substack where her favorite posts have been about hiking, frogs, books, orchids, and cats. She is the proud caretaker of dozens of plant pets.

Belle Boggs is the author of three books, including The Art of Waiting. She is co-author of Frog Trouble Times, a nature-focused Substack she started with her daughter Beatrice on Earth Day, 2021. Her writing has been featured in national media including the New York Times, The Atlantic, Harper's, and The New Yorker. She has taught levels from kindergarten through graduate writing workshops and is currently a professor of English and creative writing at North Carolina State University.

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Plant Pets: 27 Cool Houseplants to Grow and Love
Plant Pets: 27 Cool Houseplants to Grow and Love