• Clayton Grider

Clayton Grider

Clayton Grider is a University of Tennessee Knoxville alumnus, yet his love for birds began much earlier. Equipped with his mother's binoculars, a young Clayton would watch the robins, blue jays, and cardinals outside his house eating from the bird feeder. In college, his interest in birds broadened to the environment they live in and Clayton took many environmental and water management classes. These experiences inspired him to write his first book How Do Birds Sing a Duet? Today, Clayton is pursuing a teaching career in statistics in Nashville, Tennessee.

Srimalie Bassani lives and works in Mantova, Italy. Her mother has always encouraged her artistic expression, and she is the inspiration for her passion. Her work is full of surprises. She always tries to diversify her style based on every story she illustrates. It's almost impossible to remove her from her writing desk, where she keeps a stack of books and teacups of many colors.

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