• Grace Seo Chang

Grace Seo Chang

Grace Seo Chang lives in Los Angeles with her two sons, husband, and dog named Seve. She has loved Korean food since she was a young girl and to this day loves her rice and kimchi. Birthday Soup is her first children's book.

Jamie Kim was born and raised in South Korea and now lives in North Carolina. Although she was a timid child who was afraid of just about everything, she discovered a sense of serenity in drawing. As a grown-up, Jaime finally stopped being afraid of everything, but kept on drawing and painting. She works with gouache, watercolors, and acrylics to create nostalgic and dreamlike illustrations, inspired by childhood memories of her family, as well as movies, art, and the outside world. Her favorite things are the sun, the moon, the sky, and stars--which is why they always creep into her artwork. Her debut illustrated picture book, Take Heart, My Child, was a #1 New York Times bestseller. Visit Jaime online at JaimeKim.com.

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Birthday Soup
Birthday Soup