• Jacques Pasquet

Jacques Pasquet

Passionate about memories, Jacques Pasquet is a writer and storyteller. Now that his busy career as a professor is behind him, he splits his time between writing and visiting schools. Jacques is the author of nearly twenty books for children in Quebec and France. He lives in Montreal.

Claire Anghinolfi is a Franco-Swiss and Canadian illustrator. Her illustrations for youth, mainly done in gouache and pencil on paper, combine full shapes and meticulous details inspired by the ancient arts that she particularly cherishes. She lives in Quebec.

Ann Marie Boulanger is a certified translator and owner of Traduction Proteus Inc. When she's not translating commercial texts, she's an accomplished translator of adult and children's literature. Her translation The Woman in Valencia, by Annie Perreault, was named a World Literature Today Notable Translation of 2021. She's also a part-time lecturer at McGill University and co-founder of LION Translation Academy, which offers business, tech and language training workshops for translators.

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Salt, Pepper, Season, Spice: All the Flavors of the World
Salt, Pepper, Season, Spice: All the Flavors of the World