• Tameka Fryer Brown

Tameka Fryer Brown

Tameka Fryer Brown has gone from medical supplies sales rep to full-time mom to children's book author. Her picture book titles include Brown Baby Lullaby, All the Greatness in You, Not Done Yet: Shirley Chisholm's Fight for Change, Twelve Dinging Doorbells, and My Cold Plum Lemon Pie Bluesy Mood. Her work also appears in the anthology We Rise, We Resist, We Raise Our Voices. She currently resides in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Alleanna Harris has been drawing for as long as she can remember. As a little kid, she would draw on every page of her mom's legal pads, and doodle on notebooks at school and on the programs at church. She graduated from the University of the Arts with a BFA in animation with honors. During this time, she realized her love for illustration. Alleanna finds inspiration in the beauty of everyday things. In her work, she seeks to create images that are immersive, rich in color, and have a sense of warmth. She lives in New Jersey, and is the illustrator of multiple books for children, including Oshun & Me and All the Greatness in You.

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All the Greatness in You
All the Greatness in You