• Theresa Howell

Theresa Howell

Theresa Howell is a children's book author and editor, who, just like Scout Moore, loves the great outdoors. She lives with her two daughters, Ella and Sylvia, and her husband Brian in Colorado, where they climb mountains, read books, and explore every chance they get. Theresa is also the author of one of Cooper Square Publishing's bestselling titles, A is for Airplane (A Es Para Avion) with over 57,000 copies sold. She lives in Evergreen, Colorado.

Jeffrey Ebbeler is a picture book illustrator and author. He is also the creator of the monthly comic series "Nestor's Dock." Jeffrey has worked as an art director, done paper engineering for pop-up books, created large-scale murals for schools and churches, sculpted puppets, and performed for several marionette theaters. He lives in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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Acadia National Park (Scout Moore, Junior Ranger)
Acadia National Park (Scout Moore, Junior Ranger)