• Adiba Nelson

Adiba Nelson

Adiba Nelson is the author of Ain't That A Mother, the memoir that Essence, Bustle, and Shondaland all hailed as a "must read," and subject of the Emmy winning documentary, The Full Nelson. She is also a retired performer, disability rights advocate/activist, freelance journalist and very tired mom. Oshún and Me: A Story of Love and Braids is her picture book debut.

Alleanna Harris has been drawing for as long as she can remember. As a little kid, she would draw on every page of her mom's legal pads, her notebooks at school, and on the programs at church. She lives in New Jersey, and is the illustrator of multiple books for children. She is also the illustrator of All the Greatness in You, written by Tameka Fryer Brown.

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Oshún and Me
Oshún and Me