ELIZABETH SHREEVE grew up in a family of writers and scientists who taught her to pay attention to horseshoe crabs, seabirds, and other wonderful creatures along the coastline. She writes books for young readers that celebrate the origins and diversity of life on Earth, including The Upside-Down Book of Sloths and The Oddball Book of Armadillos and the award-winning Out of the Blue: How Animals Evolved from Prehistoric Seas. Learn more about her at ElizabethShreeve.com. RAY TROLL is an artist who has illustrated twelve books, including On an Ocean Journey, Sharkabet, Cruisin' the Fossil Freeway, Rapture of the Deep, and Planet Ocean. He's is honored to have a species of ratfish, Hydrolagus trolli, and a genus of extinct herring, Trollichthys, named after him. He and his wife, Michelle, live and work in Alaska, and own the Prairie Sea Gallery in Lindsborg, Kansas.