JORDAN ZWETCHKENBAUM (ZWECH-ken-boum) graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from Washington University in St. Louis School of Engineering and is currently attending a certificate program in sustainable gardening with native plants at Go Native U at Westchester Community College. With a lifelong interest in wildlife conservation and many friends in the juvenile publishing community, Jordan was the inspiration for the pumpkin plant in Jean Marzollo's I'm a Seed. She lives with her partner in Corning, NY, where she welcomes native bees, butterflies, and birds to her own pollinator garden. KATE COSGROVE (CAHZ-grohv) is the illustrator of the New York Times bestselling picture book A Day with No Words by Tiffany Hammond. Kate has received many awards and honors for her artwork, including a Dolly Gray Literature Award, a Highlights Foundation Scholarship, and selection for the 41st and 43rd Original Art Annual Exhibitions in New York City. Kate illustrated And the Bullfrogs Sing, a Bank Street Best Book of the Year and a Maryland Blue Crab Young Reader Award Honors book, The Dirt Book: Poems about Animals that Live Beneath Our Feet, which was a New York Public Library Best Book of the Year and was selected for the Texas Bluebonnet Award Master List, and A Tree Is a Community, all by David. L. Harrison. With pencil-smudge fingers, Kate is usually hiding, along with a smelly dog named Stanley, in her probably-haunted art studio.