• David Mas Masumoto

David Mas Masumoto

David Mas Masumoto is an organic farmer and award-winning author of 11 books, including Epitaph for a Peach, winner of the Julia Child Cookbook Award for Literary Food Writing, and a James Beard Award finalist. He and his daughter, Nikiko, wrote this story together. Nikiko Masumoto is a fourth-generation farmer on the Masumoto Family Farm, coauthor of The Perfect Peach and Changing Season: A Father, A Daughter, A Family Farm, and cofounder of the Yonsei Memory Project. She lives in Del Rey, CA, with her family. Lauren Tamaki is an award-winning illustrator and designer whose work includes the book Seen and Unseen, written by Elizabeth Partridge, which garnered numerous starred reviews and accolades, including the Robert F. Sibert Medal and the Bologna Ragazzi Award. She lives and works in both New York and Toronto.
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