• Pat Mora

Pat Mora

Pat Mora is the celebrated Latina author of forty award-winning children's poetry and prose picture books. A lifelong literacy advocate, she founded Children's Day, Book Day (El día de los niños, el día de los libros) to celebrate children and motivate them to become readers with daily support from families, teachers, and librarians and annual festivities on April 30. Mora lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Visit her online at patmora.com.

Meilo So has illustrated numerous award-winning picture books. Her work is consistently praised for its spontaneity and ability to capture the essence of a person, animal, place, or object with very few brush strokes. Animals and birds feature prominently in many of her books, and they appear wherever they can in Water Rolls, Water Rises. A native of Hong Kong, So now lives in the Shetland Isles, Scotland, with her husband and their daughter. Visit her website, meiloso.com.

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My Singing Nana
My Singing Nana
Water Rolls, Water Rises: El Agua Rueda, El Agua Sube (Bilingual English/Spanish)
Water Rolls, Water Rises: El Agua Rueda, El Agua Sube (Bilingual English/Spanish)
Yo Prometo Lealtad (Spanish Edition)
Yo Prometo Lealtad (Spanish Edition)