• Cynthia Leonor Garza

Cynthia Leonor Garza

Cynthia Leonor Garza has enjoyed many shared adventures at the splendiferousmarket since she was a kid. She's a journalist who has worked for several newspapers and her commentaries have appeared on NPR and in The Atlantic. She currently lives with her two daughters, husband, and their quixotic dog Bibi in Nairobi, Kenya. To learn more about Cynthia, find her @luchalady or on her website, cynthialeonorgarza.com.
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Lucia the Luchadora (Lucia the Luchadora #1)
Lucia the Luchadora (Lucia the Luchadora #1)
Lucia the Luchadora and the Million Masks (Lucia the Luchadora #2)
Lucia the Luchadora and the Million Masks (Lucia the Luchadora #2)